I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering & Computer Science at California State University, Long Beach and the director of CARS-Lab. I got my PhD in Computer Engineering from Northwestern University. I have a dozen years of experience in hardware security, machine learning, and computer architecture and have published 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles at flagship venues such as DAC, ICCAD, DATE, and ASP-DAC.
I am a senior member of IEEE and a lifetime member of ACM and AAAI. I have served on the technical program committees and as session chair of major design automation conferences, including IPDPS, DAC, ICCAD, DATE, ASP-DAC, ICCD, GLSVLSI, AsianHOST, ISQED, and PAINE. Furthermore, NSF has funded two of my grant proposals totaling half a million dollars towards CISE-MSI and CRII programs. I am also the recipient of Academic Excellence Award from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Walter P. Murphy and Royal E. Cabell Fellowship awards from Northwestern University.