Computer Architecture, Reliability, and Security Laboratory (CARS-Lab) 

Here at CARS-Lab -based on Edsger Dijkstra's great suggestion*- we work as closely as possible at the boundary of our abilities, and we move forward that boundary with high-quality research; we help the electronics and high-tech industries optimize the underlying hardware for an efficient, reliable, and secure information age.

CARS-Lab provides equal opportunities to every applicant/member regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, and disability.

*Edsger Dijkstra: Raise your quality standards as high as you can live with, avoid wasting your time on routine problems, and always try to work as closely as possible at the boundary of your abilities. Do this, because it is the only way of discovering how that boundary should be moved forward.

You can check the CARS-Lab GitHub repositories here:  


Amin Rezaei, PhD, CSULB Assistant Professor

CARS-Lab Current Members

Hasala Senevirathne, CSULB Graduate Researcher - Engineering and Computational Mathematics

Project: Hardware Trojan Prediction

Shrey Modi, CSULB Graduate Researcher - Computer Science

Project: ML-based Common Weakness Enumeration

Kevin Lopez, CSULB Graduate Researcher - Computer Science

Project: Dynamic Logic Locking

Michael Dominguez, CSULB Undergraduate Researcher - Computer Engineering Honors Track

Project: Physical Unclonable Functions

CARS-Lab Alumni

Yazan Baddour, CSULB Graduate Researcher - Electrical Engineering (2024)

Project: Hardware Accelerators Security

First Position: Quality Engineer, Nikon 

Rahul Vishwakarma, CSULB Graduate Researcher - Computer Science (2024)

Project: Chaotic Communication, ML-based Hardware Trojan Detection

First Position: Entrepreneur in Residence, Blue Ridge Labs - Robin Hood 

Jordan Maynard, CSULB Undergraduate Researcher - Computer Engineering Honors Track (2023)

Project: Sequential Logic Encryption, eFPGA-based Redaction, Hardware Trojan Mitigation

First Position: Firmware Engineer, Raytheon

Raheel Afsharmazayejani, Independent Graduate Researcher - Computer Engineering (2023)

Project: Distributed Logic Encryption, eFPGA-based Redaction

First Position: PhD Student, University of Calgary

Yeganeh Aghamohammadi, Independent Graduate Researcher - Computer Engineering (2023)

Project: ML-based Logic Locking Evaluation

First Position: PhD Student, University of California Santa Barbara

Andrew Gaspar, CSULB Undergraduate Researcher - Computer Engineering (2021)

Project: Logic Encryption Benchmarking

First Position: Verification Engineer, Siemens

Address: 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, EN4-122, Long Beach, California 90840
Email: [Amin.Rezaei at csulb dot edu]